What does it mean to be life-affirming?

“Pro-life” may seem an over-simplified term because it’s usually equated with being opposed to
abortion (or labeled “anti-“choice”). To be truly “life-affirming” is more complex than simply being
anti-abortion. It takes responsibility to promote and protect the sanctity of human life from
conception until natural death.

If we want to be life-affirming, we will recognize the personal dignity of each human being
regardless of age, gender, race, intelligence, or productivity. We honor each person’s unique
individuality, both personality and body-type (including our own). We want to help human beings
flourish in community.

“Life-affirming” respects God’s created design for male and female, together made in His image.
It honors the unique complementary nature of both sexes. It respects His design for sexual
expression within marriage and abstinence outside of that covenant. It encourages and
educates people to consider their choices before conception is achieved. This is wisdom’s life-
affirming way which leads to health and wholeness physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Medical care by definition must be life-affirming. We expect that medical professionals “do no
harm” but instead protect human life from “womb to tomb”. They should treat their patients in
healing or palliative ways to negate the tragic choices of abortion, suicide, or euthanasia. Life-
affirming healthcare is wholistic; it considers the whole person for their whole life.

Jesus said, “I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
(John 10:10) Let’s live with integrity beyond the pro-life label into a broader life-affirming vision
that seeks the well-being of every human life. Let’s passionately and compassionately build an
ever-expanding culture of life!

Lynn Wielenga

Lynn Wielenga

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What does it mean to be life-affirming?

“Pro-life” may seem an over-simplified term because it’s usually equated with being opposed toabortion (or labeled “anti-“choice”). To be truly “life-affirming” is more complex than simply beinganti-abortion. It takes responsibility to promote and protect the sanctity of human life fromconception until natural death. If we want to be life-affirming, we

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