Postpartum Consults

During the postpartum time, we know that it takes a village! You don’t have to go it alone, and we have support available for you. Ask us about how to find the resources that you need! Postpartum Consultations: Our Client Resource Coordinator is available for Postpartum Consultations to talk through your experience, and to provide support, resources, and encouragement. Contact us at any time via email ( or by calling 712-266-3282.

Postpartum Mental Health Services: We have support in the areas of NaPro Technology to assist you if you are experiencing postpartum depression or anxiety.  All Things New Therapy is also available for professional therapy services during the challenging postpartum season and beyond.

Postpartum FertilityCare Services: Your body has just gone through the amazing process of gestation and birth. As you think about your Family Planning options in the postpartum time, there are many methods of natural family planning that can work for you, without interrupting your bodies natural processes and keeping the dignity of your marriage. Contact Us to set up a Fertility Care Consult to pick the system that will work the best for you!

Postpartum Doula Services: After having a baby, you NEED support more than ever! Your first 6 weeks after giving birth should be spent resting and focusing on your new baby! This can also be an emotionally stressful time with the current demands placed on moms in our society and the shift in hormones in the body after giving birth! While this support is common in other parts of the world, here in the USA we have lost the custom of this much needed care! You worked hard being pregnant and birthing your baby. Now is your time to bond with your baby and establish good feeding routines. Sleep will be an adjustment for you with a waking newborn at night. You shouldn’t have to worry about taking care of anything else! Guiding Star Postpartum Doulas are trained in infant CPR, breastfeeding and bottle feeding skills, baby wearing, general infant care, calming techniques, healthy food planning & cooking, organizing baby’s room, planning schedules & guest lists, light house cleaning, preparing relaxing baths and teas, and more!

Postpartum Physical Therapy Services: Tanya Rowenhorst of Refine Physical Therapy in Orange City provides quality care to our clients, including treatment of pain, pelvic core support, exercises, scar tissue management, evaluation and treatment of rectus diastasis, posture, incontinence, and more! Click HERE to learn more!

Postpartum Massage Therapy: Amy at Renew Massage provides quality pre and post-natal massages, cranio-sacral massages for infants with lip and tongue ties, and more. Click HERE to learn more!

Postpartum Lactation Services: If you are having difficulty with painful breastfeeding, low supply, the transition to pumping, or more, contact us today! Our Weigh Clinic is open anytime we are open, as well as our Milk Sharing Program and our Breast Pump and Nursing Supply Closet. For any supplies or support you need for your breastfeeding journey, we are here to help!

Mommy Mondays: At Guiding Star Siouxland, Mondays are dedicated to Moms! From 9am-11am, come and go as you please for our LATCH Breastfeeding Support Group, the 4th Trimester Circle, and utilize our Baby Weigh Clinic. Our Lactation Counselor is available during this time to provide encouragement and support on your breastfeeding journey. Spend time with other moms in the community. We have Child Watch, snacks, drinks, and lots of comfy chairs.