Partner Highlight: All Things New

 Guiding Star Siouxland is honored to partner with Rachel Valentine of All Things New Therapy Services, Inc.

All Things New offers therapy in all four of the Guiding Star areas of service, FertilityCare/Family Planning, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Postpartum/Breastfeeding and Family Life.

When asked why Rachel  We at All Things New Therapy Services, Inc. are so very grateful to partner with The Guiding Star program. We believe in supporting holistic mechanisms that support life throughout the entirety of a person’s wellness journey. This includes such things as decreased stress and positive social and emotional support for pregnant mothers and expecting fathers as this assists in the positive development of a new baby while in utero which can have positive benefits for the child throughout their entire life. We are also very encouraged by the ability to provide care and support during circumstances of trauma involved in the pre-birth and following birth of a baby including infertility, miscarriage, traumatic birth experiences, post-birth hospitalization and circumstances of postpartum depression.

We also greatly appreciate Guiding Star’s approach to help women of all ages have a deeper and more positive relationship and understanding of their own body. This allows for young girls as well as women to have a deeper ability to advocate for all areas of their health and wellness and better use their own voices as a means to their own care. We are excited to support all future endeavors of Guiding Star and play a part in the services provided within our community.

Contact Guiding Star Siouxland for a referral for therapy Services or contact All Things New directly:

111 Arizona Ave NW
Siouxland, IA 51041

Phone: 712-737-9444
Fax: 712-737-9445

Our Business Hours

Monday – Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 12pm
After hours appointment scheduling available by appointment only.